Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Side by Side

When I first began blogging about Dave’s stroke I worried a bit about infringing upon his privacy. We are very different creatures and while he tends to play his cards close to his vest, I am an open book and need to express myself often and candidly. The deal breaker was that people really love this man and need to know how he is progressing. Besides….this is not his struggle alone, it is mine as well. People remind me again and again to make sure and take care of myself and writing is one way I do this.  If I cannot create pictures with paint to ease my soul then painting them with words makes a good enough substitute!

In the beginning I also wondered if anyone even read this since it is always comment free.  But apparently people are listening for now and again someone says something that makes me realize it touched them in some way...allowing me peace for making our private struggle so public. I appreciate all the sincere thoughts and pure prayers sent our direction and it really lifts my spirits when I get emails of encouragement.

Today Dave and I are headed for the gym. It will be his first return since the stroke and I know he is not excited but I am! It will take awhile for him to get back into the rhythm of it but he will learn to love it once again (I hope!). He already has dropped weight and is motivated to lose more. The “Stroke Diet” is not one I recommend but it seems effective so far.

We are relishing the sunny and gorgeous season. On Sunday we spent 4 hours at the zoo with our grandson and had a wonderful time!!! Dave did better than I expected with all the walking. In fact I had rented a wheelchair for him to take breaks in but he insisted upon hoofing it for the most part. Our grandson spent more time in it than he did and it made a great carrier for my camera equipment and our lunch!

Monday he was pretty tuckered out…but not enough to spank me in a game of cribbage. He skunked me by 14 points! (Anyone familiar with the competitive nature of my family knows I am incapable of throwing a game!) I brought the game out not only because we used to play it ritually but also it is darn good therapy for him. Shuffling the cards is still beyond his abilities but I had him try once each time it was his turn. Most of the time he keeps track of the addition but saying the correct words is beyond him at the moment. I reinforce the counting but he pegged his moves correctly EVERY SINGLE TIME! I would swat his left hand if he tried to peg with it….using his weakened right hand to peg was one of the objectives.

This week I have come to believe Dave will make a complete or almost complete recovery, even if it takes a year or two or more. What he has accomplished in just 6 weeks makes me so very hopeful! It has also taught me extreme lessons in patience and faith and love. Those who know me are snorting with skepticism about the “patience” part but in all seriousness, the patience I feel is profound. For the first time in my life I am not in a hurry to do anything. Before I would measure my day by how much I produced or accomplished. No longer is this my litmus for success. Each day is to be treasured and taken with slow steps forward. I am sure this will change as Dave progresses, but it is what he needs right now and whatever he needs is fine by me!


  1. faith i think is the operative word. our journey is to make us humble, but we rush to get to the end, and i'm glad to hear that you have decided to slow down. it is a lesson for us all. my love goes out to you both and my memories of our youth make me smile...

  2. I am so happy that you are sharing your moments with us, so nice to hear about his progress and your amazing strength. So refreshing hearing about a couple pulling together in this day and age rather than reading about the most recent celebrity split up because they "got bored" with each other. One day at a time and celebrate those small victories. Think of the bragging rights for Dave when he can eventually say "sheesh Cheryl, I had a stroke and I can still beat you at cribbage!" :)

  3. Cheryl, just wanted you to know that I am grateful that you are sharing your thoughts with all of us. You're a wonderful writer and express yourself so beautifully. You amaze me with your humor in a tough situation. I can only imagine how fustrating this recovery process is for Dave.

  4. Thinking about you guys...thanks for sharing this. Sending our very best wishes for Dave's recovery and prayers to you too, Cheryl.
