Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Game of Chase

"Toby and Henry - A Game of Chase"
24x24 oil on canvas

Toby the Collie and Henry the Dashshund are the best of buds! They live on the rural paradise of Whidbey Island where dogs rule and parks are plenty. I took a long walk with them and their owner one fine day last August to take resource photos for this painting. 

The challenge of creating a composition with two very different size dogs is tricky. It comes down to finding the correct perspective and shapes to balance the awkwardness of their disparities. Then there is the difference in their personalities. Henry is full of the dickens, darting around with lightening speed and agility. Although Toby is the same youthful age, he is blind in one eye and more cautious. He absolutely adores Henry and keeps his good eye on him constantly.

The thing that struck me about Toby was the way his 
long luxurious hair swayed when he was on the move. It was quite captivating! Henry rarely was without the tennis ball lodged in his mouth. When he returned it to be thrown again he ran as fiercely as an Olympic athlete in pursuit of gold. He could put many a Labrador Retriever to shame with his intense focus on this little green ball!

Capturing animals in motion is another aspect I love to do when painting. Digital cameras have come so far and have the ability to snap quality pics at great speeds allowing me much more freedom to pursue my vision. During this same photo shoot I also got some great shots of Henry from the side. Of course these also showed him on a dead run with the ball in his mouth! I decided to paint a very small one to enter in the Randy Higbee 6x6 Art Show that occurs at Randy's gallery every December in Costa Mesa CA. 

Painting that small was excrutiating at first since I normally paint large. I ended up painting a total of 5 (all different subjects) and 4 were accepted. I was thrilled that the one of Henry which I dubbed "Weiner on the Fly" even garnered an award! Having a long haired Dachshund of my own I am particularly smitten with this pose and have seen it often in my Homer. Doxies have an attitude about them, they are big dogs on short legs. I nicknamed my guy "The Weinerator" due to his opinion of himself!

"Weiner on the Fly"
6x6 oil on linen

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