Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Off-Kilter K-9 Cop

Dawn and I were BFFs in high school where we played on both the volleyball and basketball teams. 33 years ago she even introduced me to my husband (yet I promised not to hold that against her :)) Dawn went on to a career in law enforcement and her last gig had her in my hometown so every once in awhile Dawn would stop by for a quick visit. Many times it gave my neighbors pause to see a police car parked outside my house for a stretch of time.

When I was conspiring with Dawn about the character for her photo I wanted something quirky and outside the box of what the public views as a typical testosterone driven police officer. Since we both revere dogs I thought it should include a K-9 dog but all I had available was Homer, my trusty and ever tolerant Dachshund. Then the idea took full bloom. Why not use Homer? I sewed a vest for him and painted K-9 on the sides. One day during her shift Dawn stopped by. Much to his chagrin we strapped Homer into his vest and plopped him onto the hood of her cop car for her photo op.

I often wonder what goes through the mind of the casual passer-by who happens upon me posing my FACE victims! I do know that we almost caused an accident one time when I was posing a punked-out cutie in short skirt and bustier. Tires screeching and horns honking caused us to just about jump out of our skins! We did have a good chuckle over it later on. 

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