Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pity Party

The post below I wrote yesterday and decided to sit on the words a bit to see if I really wanted to publish them. Today I realized that I need to keep my entries as real as sugar coating! People that know me well know I shoot straight from the hip and I do not hold with tying reality up in pretty little bows or in sweeping life under the carpet. "It is was it is" and if I am to continue writing in this manner I will report our circumstances with respectful authenticity. 

But I will preface this by saying today was a MUCH, MUCH better day than we have had all week. So here goes:


I have put much effort into keeping my blog entries as upbeat as possible. People want to hear things are going smoothly and Dave is improving…and he is improving, however incremental it is, we just need to remind ourselves that it is improvement all the same. It also helps me to try and look at things with a smile but when out-of-the-blue obstacles crop up and undermine my well laid plans I end up in a puddle of glum. 

Not long after Dave’s stroke I was contacted by people who had their own stories of long term care-giving and they offered me support with their kind words. There really is no recipe for handling life changing events such as we have gone through…the only way is forward with chin held up as high as you are able. The tough part is keeping your chin up!

I have had plenty of talks with myself concerning attitude: “Cheryl, you have 2 choices….on one side is misery and the other is joy. Now which one is more fun?” The answer is joy of course and I figure if I can bend my mind in that direction it may not exactly hit “Joy” but it certainly will stray from “Misery”. Most of the time this stiff talk slaps me in the face with a good dose of “get-over-it” but lately I have sincerely struggled. The culprit is my weakened state due to foot surgery last week. I am now in the position of needing the care.

Going into this surgery I understood the stakes but I really needed to get my foot taken care of so I could move forward in my life also. I actually welcomed this as the next step in Dave’s recovery. By all accounts things should have been fine with his recent success and improvements. I thought, “How great his new independence will feel when the roles are reversed and he can benefit from being the care-taker rather than the receiver!” Not that I require that much care…but not being able to put weight on my left foot for 2 weeks makes the simple things awkward and time consumptive. 

The first few days went swell with Dave cooking dinner, doing laundry while I lazed about in a drug induced nirvana. Enter the unplanned perpetrators: first Dave broke a tooth and then he got sick. Not just a little ill but enough to have him slumbering on the couch for hours on end, drinking little and eating less. Pain and illness combined to slay his language skills and his energy has been nil. Meanwhile I wheel myself around the house trying to care for myself and him. This morning I broke down when it took me 3 times as long as it should to change the bed sheets. Jorel discovered me with hunched shoulders weeping with abandon. I was having my own little pity party and boy was I the life of the party! Or the death…depending upon your perspective. 

I have a plethora of sayings posted on my studio wall and the one I have reflected most upon the past 3 months states “Plan for the worst, Hope for the best, Take what comes.” The taking-what-comes part can leave a bitter taste in your mouth…and taking it with grace and a positive spirit is what I would aspire to but do not accomplish as well as I would like. 

So many times when I find myself on the doorstep of misery I am blessed with a perspective that makes me realize that things are not so tough. There are always people suffering so much greater than we are. Things are grim but not fatal. My situation is temporary and soon my scooter will be in the rear view mirror. I must have faith as we plug along each day with the formidable task of learning to talk, read and write that Dave’s situation will also prove temporary. At that time I will be healed and ready to jump and tumble and dance in joy!


  1. I now feel more caught up with you and smiled and sighed as I read your post. You have a good attitude and being the "rock" is sometimes not an easy roll to play. Tears are a good release! You know I've been healing from surgery too and am amazed at how long it takes me to get things done when I'm so used to zipping around the house and accomplishing so much! I look at the clock and am amazed to see it's 5 pm and wonder, how did it get to be 5:00 already and what did I do in all this time? We will both heal, and get back to our zippy selves. Dave will improve, one step at a time. Small victories is what they say you will applaud. I wish I lived closer because I would truly stop by and visit or cook a meal to help out. Please know my thoughts are with you both! I've so enjoyed the few times we've had together. You both are wonderful people and I am fortunate enough to have crossed your path!
    Love & hugs to you!

  2. Gear Cindy and Dave, Jil gave me this blog site and told me of Dave's stroke. I as shocked and sadden to hear of this. I hear that he is recovering and improving.I would like to come and visit with you two when ever you find it to be the right time. I am not working at this time so anytime will work with me. Please know that you two are in my prayers. my #253-318-2749 sincerly Tim Knecht

  3. Sorry to hear about Dave, But glad to hear he is doing better. With the other issues sounds like it is componded a little. Dave and I have worked together for a number of years for Sequoyh and I was happy to see him retire. Hope for a speedy recovery so he can continue to enjoy his retirement.
    Jerry nelson

  4. Thanks to you all....Jil, Tim and Jerry. Dave has a fabulous attitude and it makes all the difference. I will pass on your sentiments to him and appreciate your kindness.
